
Program Contact Phone
Program uses Language Line (Y/N)
Program staff provide services in other lanuages
Office days/hours
M-F 8:30-4:30
Intake days/hours (walk-in)
No walk-ins
Intake days/hours (by phone)
M-F 8:30-4:30
Advice/Help Hotline Phone
Advice/Help Hotline Days/Hours
M-F 9:30-4:30
Cost or fee (describe)
Condition of waiver (describe)
Waived on a case-by-case basis
Case filed in Baltimore County only
Maryland Legal Services Corporation Guidelines
Program Description

The Judicare program can provide you with a free attorney to represent you in a contested custody case in Baltimore County. The attorney will represent you throughout the case. Attorneys who participate in Judicare are paid a significantly reduced fee by the Women’s Law Center.

Participation in Judicare is limited to low income individuals. You will be asked to provide proof of your income and will go through a screening process before your case is placed with an attorney. A limited number of program slots are available. Judicare services are available to men and women.

Children (Child Custody, Support, Adoption)
Full Representation
Full Representation
Full Representation
Se habla Español
Full Representation

Source URL: https://www.peoples-law.org/judicare

List of links present in page
  1. https://www.peoples-law.org/judicare
  2. http://www.wlcmd.org/how-we-help/family-law/
  3. #bootstrap-panel--content