Employment Law Hotline

Intake days/hours (by phone)
Tuesdays 9:30am – 1pm, First Thursday of the month 5pm–7:30pm
Advice/Help Hotline Phone
Cost or fee (describe)
Maryland Legal Services Corporation Guidelines
Program Description

The Employment Law Hotline allows you to talk to an experienced employment law attorney to learn about the law and your rights in the workplace. The Employment Law Hotline will answer questions about:

  • Discrimination in hiring, firing, promotions and other working conditions
  • Pay equity
  • Sexual harassment
  • Discrimination based on pregnancy
  • Family or medical leave issues
  • Unpaid wages
  • Contract issues
  • Minimum wage and overtime violations
  • Being punished by the employer for having acted together with other employees to improve working conditions
  • Issues related to immigrant and part-time workers
  • Eligibility for unemployment insurance

The Employment Law Hotline attorney will not represent you and will not review or draft any documents for you. The attorney may suggest self-help measures you can take. You may be referred to a social service or governmental agency for assistance.

Callers with viable cases may be referred to the Women’s Law Center’s employment law attorney referral panel. Additionally, you may be referred to a lawyer referral program that may be able to find you an attorney who will charge low or moderate fees.

The Employment Law Hotline answers questions from women and men about a wide range of employment law issues. However, the Women’s Law Center is especially interested in helping callers with problems that predominately impact women.

Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics
Se habla Español
Brief advice/Help with forms/Clinics

Source URL: https://www.peoples-law.org/employment-law-hotline

List of links present in page
  1. https://www.peoples-law.org/employment-law-hotline
  2. http://www.wlcmd.org/how-we-help/employment-law/
  3. #bootstrap-panel--content